Take a set S of m different elements. Choose n elements in a specific order. Each such choice is called a variation of m elements choose n. Two variations are different if they have different elements or if they are in a different order. The number of these variations is:
Vm,n= m· (m-1)· (m-2)·……(m- n +1)
Example : From a class of 20 students you choose 3 students in a particular order. Such a choice is a variation of 20 elements choose 3.
V20,3= 20· 19· 18 = 6840
Example : How many codes of 4 letters can you get with a, b and c? These are variations with repetition of 3 elements choose 4: VR3,4= 34 = 81
a) How many different even numbers composed of 4 digits can you make with the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6?
b) And if all digits were different?
Solutions: a) 375; b) 180
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