addition and subtraction
When we have two whole numbers:
- if both have the same sign, we add their absolute values and put the common sign:
3 + 4 = 7 - 3 - 4 = - 7
- If both have different signs, we subtract the bigger absolute value minus the lower absolute value and put the sign of the number which has a bigger absolute value:
3 – 7 = - 4 11 – 7 = 4
When we have more than two whole numbers:
- we add the positive numbers
- separately, we add the absolute values of the negative numbers with the negative sign
- at the end, we add these whole numbers with different sign:
NOTE: If there is a negative sign before a bracket, we change the sign of the result of the bracket (or the sign of all the numbers inside the bracket) but we don´t change it if the sign before the bracket is positive:
Exercise.- Calculate:
a) -3 - 7 =
b) 3 - 11 =
c) 7- (-5) + (4 - 5)- (3 - 8 - 4) =
d) 3 + [4 - (5 + 8)] - 5 - (-2) + (-1) =
e) (16 - 9) - (4 - 5) - (-3) + 8 =
Solutions:a) -10; b) -8; c) 20; d) -10; e) 19
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