multiplication and division

When we have two whole numbers, we multiply (or divide) their absolute values and:
- we write a positive sign, if they have the same sign
- or we write a negative sign, if they have the opposite sign

When we have more than two whole numbers, we use the associative property and we multiply (or divide) in pairs: 

NOTE: Remember the hierarchy of the operations:
- Brackets first
- Powers and square roots
- Divide and multiply (work from left to right)
- Add and subtract



Exercise.- Calculate:

a) 21:(-3) =

b) (-7)·(-2)· 3 =

c) 4 ·(-8): (-32) =

d) 4 - 2·(5-3) + (- 8 - 4):(-6) =

e) (5- 2)·(-2) - 2·[- 3 - 5·(2 +1)] =

f) 3 + 4: (- 8 + 6) - 3 · 2 -(-5) + 4·(-2 -2) =






Solutions: a) -7; b) 42; c) 1; d) 2; e) 30; f) -16

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